Do you have a good story that you would like to share with your PMA peers or topic you are knowledgeable on that you could present on a Group Networking Call? What about a successful program you have launched that you could share on a panel with other PMA experts at an event?
PMA is rolling out a way to share your skills and earn “PMA Bucks” for you to use in paying for registration to PMA events! Here is the program:
Write 3 newsletters per year between approximately 300-500 words, include a photo or graphic if possible. Submit your topic ideas to PMA in advance. $75 PMA Bucks
Prepare and present your topic for a 1-hour Group Networking Call. Contact other PMA peers that may join you on the call and collect their supporting documents in advance to share with the group. You may also invite an industry expert to join the call to support the discussion. Submit your topic idea to PMA in advance. $50 PMA Bucks
Submit your panelist idea to the PMA event committee or agree to participate when called upon by the committee. Prepare to speak on a panel at the Publishers’ Retreat or the Annual Convention. Presentation should cover approximately 15 minutes of the session and include powerpoint, video and/or printed handouts. Coordinate with other panelists to agree the angle each of you will take and to create an order and flow to the panel presentation in advance and review your panel presentation with the event chairs a month before the event. $75 PMA Bucks
Submit your full session idea to the PMA event committee or agree to participate when called upon by the committee to speak at the Publishers’ Retreat or the Annual Convention. Presentation should cover at least 45 minutes speaking time and include powerpoint, video, printed handouts, supporting sources, resources and follow up with a written re-cap e-newsletter, post-event. Review your presentation with the event chairs a month before the event. $125 PMA Bucks
Please contact PMA at: if you are interested in sharing with your PMA peers and earning PMA Bucks that can be applied toward registration at PMA Events.
PMA Bucks may not be applied towards membership or Awards at this time.